User Guide


  1. Add tasks such as todos, events or deadlines to Duke.
  2. Mark tasks as completed
  3. Undo feature
  4. Date parsing for events and deadlines


todo <description> - Adds a Todo

Adds a Todo to Duke.

Example of usage:

todo sample task

Expected outcome:

event <description> /at <date> - Adds an Event at <date>

Adds an event at the date provided to Duke.

Example of usage:

event cs2103t lecture /at 20/09/2019 1600

Expected outcome:

deadline <description> /by <date> - Adds a Deadline by <date>

Adds a deadline by the date to Duke.

Example of usage:

deadline assignment /by 21/09/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

list - List all tasks

Lists all tasks in Duke.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

done <task number> - Mark as done

Marks the task with the current task number as done.

Example of usage:

done 5

Expected outcome:

undo <steps to undo> - Undo

Undo the number of steps given.

Example of usage:

undo 1

Expected outcome: